

LYDIA家庭协会的使命是加强家庭对儿童的照顾,并在家庭无法照顾儿童的情况下照顾儿童. Below you will find our foundational pillar programs where you can learn more. 


1. 完整家庭服务


“完整家庭服务计划”的目标是看到接受替代照料的儿童总数随着时间的推移不断减少. 它的主要目的是帮助那些向儿童与家庭服务部报告虐待或忽视的家庭,并保持这些家庭的完整. 


通过这个项目, LYDIA Home提供案例管理服务,以确保家庭保持正轨,并为成年人提供咨询服务, 孩子们, 夫妻, 和家庭.

他们会加倍努力, 在需要的时候, 为所有家庭成员提供住院和门诊药物治疗项目的药物滥用转诊.

LYDIA Home takes pride in also providing a variety of physical, 精神, and behavioral health services.

家不止于此, they additionally provide parenting classes, as well as any referrals needed to services available in the 社区 such as food pantries, 住房, 支持团体, 就业培训, and continuing education programs.



Supervisor: Kimi Emery MS, MSW

2. BC菠菜导航

Providing temporary foster care placement to 孩子们 and youth who have experienced abuse, 忽视, 或者其他家庭问题.

该项目包括安置可能需要额外时间的有行为和情感健康问题的儿童, 注意, or skills from foster parents with specialized training. 


LYDIA Home’s BC菠菜导航 is second to none. 他们做得更好,确保孩子们得到他们需要的照顾,直到看到家庭在寄养后团聚的希望目标实现.  

The philosophy of LYDIA Home’s BC菠菜导航 is simply that, 作为神的子民, 他们有责任创造一个社区,为这些孩子提供一个家(诗篇82:3)。.  莉迪亚·霍姆相信,无论是通过祈祷,我们都应该在帮助孩子方面发挥作用, giving time and financial 支持, 或者成为养父母.  

把孩子安置在寄养家庭并不是为了永久的生活安排,而是为了在工作完成时保护孩子,确保孩子的未来成功. LYDIA Home’s foster care staff work closely with DCFS, 自然家族, 而寄养家庭始终为实现一个目标而努力:让孩子与家人团聚.  



Temporary care for 孩子们 to relieve other foster parents during emergencies, 假期, or other circumstances for a few days or weeks.




照顾有明显行为或情感问题的儿童,这些问题比一般寄养儿童需要更多的关注. The foster family must possess additional skills to meet the individual needs of the child. 福斯特 parents who either already have necessary skills, or are willing to be trained to meet the special needs of these foster 孩子们, 可能成为提供强化服务的“专门”或“治疗”BC菠菜导航的一部分.

basic requirements of foster care

  • An Illinois resident, at least 25 years of age, with a verifiable income

  • In good physical and emotional health and is a mature, faithful Christian

  • Can be accepting of the temporary nature of foster care

  • Can work cooperatively with LYDIA, DCFS, and 自然家族


(773) 355-5563

3. 住院治疗计划


LYDIA Home’s 住院治疗计划 provides a structured, therapeutic environment for 孩子们 and adolescents with serious behavioral issues, many of whom have been traumatized by abuse or 忽视.



儿童会因严重的情绪和行为问题接受住院治疗,例如, 但不限于, 侵略, 自杀的念头, 和冲动.

我们的专家团队, 包括治疗师, 情况下经理, 监事, 幼儿工作者, 教育专家, 咨询医生, 还有一个护士, provide our residents with a high degree of structure and consistency.

这, in addition to genuine care and concern, 让孩子们感到安全,这样他们就可以开始康复,成为社会上成功的一员.

Whenever possible, we encourage family participation in the treatment process. 这 can be in numerous ways such as regular visits, 活动, 教育项目, 正在进行的工作人员磋商, 家庭治疗.

这是鼓励孩子和他们的家庭成员有机会建立积极的, healthy relationships as a family unit.

We also emphasize recreation and spiritual development for our residents.

通过去教堂, participation in youth programs, and faith-based instruction by the staff, 我们每天与儿童和青少年互动,深切渴望他们体验神的爱,并相信他会给他们的生活带来持久的改变.


Milieu Director: Beverly Triplet
(773) 653-2258

Clinical Director: Heather Baranowski
(773) 653-2257

4. 咨询中心


LYDIA Home 咨询中心 opened in 1996 to help meet the growing needs in our 社区. Our counseling services are available to individuals or families from all religious, 种族, 以及经济背景. We accept BCBS, PPO, and BCBS Community insurance plans. We also have a sliding scale for qualifying self-pay clients.



  • Counseling for 孩子们, teens, adults, 和家庭

  • 夫妻咨询

  • 家长培训

LYDIA咨询中心于1996年开业,以帮助满足我们社区人们的许多需求. Our services are available to individuals from all religious, 种族, 以及经济背景.


为什么我感到如此焦虑? Is my marriage going to survive? 我怎样才能成为一个更好的家长? Is it normal to feel this angry? 为什么我感到如此孤独? Are things ever going to get better?

The next step is to call LYDIA 咨询中心. 我们是来帮忙的!

Does life sometimes seem overwhelming and more than you can handle? 如果你感到孤独, 困惑, 或失望, it may be a sign that you need the 支持 of a trained, 有经验的治疗师.

LYDIA 咨询中心 assists adults, 孩子们, 夫妻, 和家庭 who are facing a variety of potential difficulties. Since LYDIA Home has been serving families in various capacities for over 100 years, 我们的专长是处理与家庭有关的问题和问题.

LYDIA 咨询中心 provides treatment for the following:

  • 抑郁、焦虑和悲伤

  • 愤怒

  • 虐待的关系

  • 夫妻的问题

  • Parent-child relationship problems

  • 照顾者倦怠

  • Attention/learning difficulties

  • 职场关系问题

Our therapists at LYDIA 咨询中心 have seen firsthand that issues such as these, 左无人值守, can eventually become overwhelming. 寻求帮助需要勇气,但你所体验到的平静和满足可以改变你的生活!





Call (773) 653-2261 at any time with your Contact information to begin the intake process, or email us at counseling@mrtechphotography.com.


Make a Payment



5. 儿童的安全家庭

连接训练, 热心的志愿者帮助那些被边缘化的家庭,他们一直在寻找一种方法来帮助他们的孩子,在让他们留在家里的同时提供安全. 

BC菠菜论坛”是为了解决一个需要解决的问题而创建的,但要以一种不同的方式来解决. These families do not need foster care involvement but instead need strength, 工具, 社区, 和一只援助之手.


多年来, LYDIA之家看到许多儿童进入儿童福利系统,如果他们有合适的资源,这些原因本来是可以避免的. Determined to see more 孩子们 protected 和家庭 intact, LYDIA Home founded 儿童的安全家庭 in 2003. LYDIA Home is a volunteer-driven nonprofit that takes pride in providing the hope, 支持, and strength that families need.

LYDIA之家, these families are surrounded with a caring, compassionate 社区 that is ready to take action when a crisis arises. The mission of 儿童的安全家庭 is to create an extended family 支持 system. 这 furthers the vision to see and create a world where 孩子们 do not just survive, 但茁壮成长,是安全的, and where families are radically transformed to lead a successful, 欢乐的生活. 


(773) 653-2200

6. 安全家庭PLUS (Providing Lasting Unconditional Support)


导师在那里支持居民度过他们成年的早期,并确保安全, reliable connection as they transition into society. 


LYDIA之家, the impact isn’t just for the short term. 这个项目是为了确保LYDIA之家的孩子们不仅在成长过程中得到一流的照顾,而且在他们进入社会后也能得到一流的照顾.


通过这个项目, 许多年轻人与家人或导师建立了Contact,并受到他们的爱,他们在成年的早期陪伴着他们, dramatically decreasing many risk factors for youth aging out of the system.


(767) 3456



Find out more about fostering a child!